My Accessible

Everything you need to know to make your website accessible

Getting Started

New to accessibility? Start with these topics:

WCAG Levels A, AA and AAA

Websites that are evaluated against the WCAG guidelines are given a level of A, AA or AAA, but what's the difference?

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Making Images Accessible

Images are simple, right? Just add alt text?
But what do you do about images like data charts, or if there's loads of text. What about CSS backgrounds?
Find out exactly what to do in every scenario with this guide.

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Other News

What's coming soon in the world of web accessibility...

WCAG Version 3.0

There's a version 3.0 of the WCAG guidelines in the works and it's quite different to 2.0. Read more about the changes and when we might start to be expected to test against it.

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Pluralsight Courses

If you have a Pluralsight subscription, or there's a trial available, I have three highly rated courses on there to explain some beginner to intermediate level concepts.

Accessibility: Exploring Images and Media

Learn how to make images and audio/video content meet the WCAG accessibility guidelines, even images with difficult alt text to write. This course includes tips like getting YouTube to write video captions for you and handling dynamic data charts.

Watch on Pluralsight

Accessibility: Keyboard Input and Forms

To meet the WCAG guidelines, your website has to work for keyboard-only users. We'll run through all the code changes necessary for this and also for making forms that are accessible and easy to use, with clear labels and validation errors.

Watch on Pluralsight

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